I belong to the 20s trend but honestly I don't think it's a generational trend. Although I don't want to attribute things to cultural difference but I felt that's probably the thing! We tend to avoid saying things like "sorry, but I don't want to hang out with you anymore" and ghosting is our way of saying it. If a person rejects my invitation for several times, then ghost, I will get that. I don't mind about the reason, we automatically take that and I think we have to understand that the ghost has put other things on higher priority than ourselves.
If you go to our online forum, and see post of people asking "this person hung out with me for quite a time, but suddenly he/she just ignores my message. What are the possible reasons and what should I do ?"
The suggestions coming along will be "just give up and find another one," " Don't bother the reasons. That's not important."
I rarely ghost, and most of the time I ghost because a person is toxic (of course), or in contrast, the person is a nice one, but I just don't want to hang out with him/her anymore (even as friend! because I have a lot of things to do, and probably I don't like his/her personality) After several rejections I will start to ignore their message. But some don't go through the rejections process since they think you're going to ghost them anyway, just don't bother replying the message to give other hope.
Ghosting a partner is very very bad. This case is my exception. I think I'm a defender when it comes to dating, but definitely not if you are in a relationship. The reason is that relationship includes commitment, while dating doesn't.